
 Is marijuana safe and effective as medicine?

marijuana safe

For decades, there has been extensive investigation and intense discussion surrounding the thought-provoking beneficial characteristics of cannabis and its constituent parts.  Certain formulations of THC have been proven to have medical benefits. The FDA has given its approval for the use of THC-based drugs, namely dronabinol and nabilone in the shape of pills. These drugs have been prescribed for individuals going through cancer treatment to alleviate feeling sick and to those who have wasting disorders due to AIDS for stimulating their appetite. Do check out: missouri medical marijuana

There are a few drugs based on cannabis that have either been accepted or are currently going through research studies.

The FDA has given its approval for Epidiolex®, a liquid drugs based on CBD, to be used in treating two serious kinds of childhood epilepsy, namely Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The medication is being administered to the recipients in a consistent form of dosage along with a dependable delivery method in order to guarantee that patients receive the expected therapeutic effects. CBD lacks the psychoactive effects that THC possesses.

Medications that are developed from or based on refined compounds present in the buds of marijuana are often seen as more potential for medicinal use in the area of study. This is in contrast to the usage of the entire marijuana leaf or its crude extracts, which are perceived as having less potential. The production of pharmaceuticals from plants, such as the cannabis plant, presents a number of obstacles at each stage of the procedure.  Botanicals have been shown to contain a wide variety of bioactive compounds, many of which have not yet been characterized. Because of this, it is difficult to develop a solution that is capable of delivering accurate and reliable dosages of these compounds. The medicinal consumption of marijuana as a treatment for medical conditions raises a number of additional problems, such as the adverse impacts of smoking marijuana on one’s health and cognitive decline brought on by THC. In spite of this, a growing number of countries have passed legislation that makes it legitimate to provide cannabis or marijuana extracts to patients suffering from a wide range of medical illnesses.

One of the issues that has to be addressed with relation to “medical cannabis” is the lack of information about the substance’s long-term effects on those who are susceptible due to their chronological age or condition.  People of a certain age fall into this category, as do people who are afflicted with disorders such as cancer, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, or other neurological diseases. It is necessary to do further study in order to determine whether or if people whose health is already affected as a result of a condition or the treatment for that disease, such as chemotherapy, are more likely to have adverse health effects as a result of their use of marijuana.

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