
The Ultimate Guide to Gynecological Cancer Symptoms and Treatments in the Philippines


When it comes to women’s reproductive health, not much is known by the public. Statistics of lung cancer in the Philippines have been an alarming concern for men. But for women, cancer found in the reproductive organs is far more notorious. The breast and cervix are the top 2 leading cancer sites for women in the country for 2020, strengthening the need for awareness of women’s reproductive health concerns. 

One of which is ovarian cancer. It is a disease that starts in the ovules of a woman’s reproductive system. The mutation of the cells in this area causes cancer to grow and spread. There are three types of ovarian cancer: stromal tumors, germ cell tumors, and epithelial ovarian cancer. 

The symptoms of diseases can be mistaken for the natural side effects of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. This is why it’s important to monitor one’s body to determine if there is any reason for concern. The signs are bloating, sudden weight loss, urination problems, exhaustion, pain in the back and pelvic area, constipation, and pain during sexual intercourse. Contact your professional medical provider immediately if you observe the following symptoms.

To promote the prevention of ovarian cancer, it is essential to know the causes of the condition. Genes, hormone replacement therapy, age, endometriosis, obesity, and never having been pregnant or using oral contraceptives are risk factors for ovarian cancer. Not many preventative measures can be taken to avoid ovarian cancer. But it’s best to lead a healthy, active lifestyle or consult a specialist to determine your risk for the condition. 

Many organizations and medical establishments offer ovarian and head and neck cancer treatments. The treatments can be surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and supportive care. 

To learn more about ovarian cancer or other gynecological conditions, read this article by Hope From Within


The Ultimate Guide to Gynecological Cancer Symptoms and Treatments in the Philippines

Mary Rodriguez

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