
Cannabis Marketing Strategies for 2023


So, your new year resolution was to market your cannabis business better? It’s already been months, better start working on your resolution. There are a lot of things you can do. However, you should invest your time, energy, and money in the best marketing strategies for this year. Need guidance? Here are the few best marketing strategies of 2023 that you must try.

  • Bartenders 
  • OOH advertisement 
  • Emails marketing 
  • Social media marketing 
  • SEO and quality content 

Bartenders – The best and most effective marketing strategy in 2023 is training bartenders. Bartenders usually have little knowledge of the product. Customers often ask questions about the product and believe what the bartender says. The reason is they think the bartenders know the product more than anyone else. Therefore, they approach the bartenders and they can easily introduce more products and even convert the potential customers into buyers. What you have to do is encourage your bartenders to know more about the product. Moreover, you can also train them on how to introduce the product the right way.

OOH – OOH is also known as out-of-home advertising. The out-of-home advertising has also been proven to be an effective cannabis marketing strategy for 2023. It involves marketing through billboards, posters, signs, and other physical ways of advertising. 

The biggest advantage of OOH is that it allows you to reach a large number of people without any hassle. Therefore, if you are shortlisting all the best possible marketing strategies to adopt this year, include OOH in them as well.

Emails marketing – Email marketing is not as effective as social media and OOH. However, it is effective enough to bring a few more orders every day. Since marketing strategies help you reach potential customers, leave no stone unturned. Try email marketing as well. Ask your team to create high-quality content and send it through email. Make sure the email contains information such as new updates, special offers, coupons, and guides. Keep in mind, the more engaging your emails would be, the more you would open and be interested in reading them. To generate more engaging emails, hire an expert for the job.

Social media marketing – Social media can play a major role in introducing your business or products to potential customers. Almost everyone uses social media these days. Frankly, advertising anything on social media is not that hard as well. Therefore, use all platforms to your advantage. If anyone search with slang pei weed delivery site should appear. More specifically, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Run campaigns on these platforms to reach more people in a short time. You would be required to pay a few dollars. However, it would be worth it.

SEO and quality content – Search engine optimization (SEO) and quality content is also crucial in optimizing your sales. What it does is improve your ranking on Google and drive more sales. Add keywords in blogs, titles, and meta descriptions. Besides that, use other on-page and off-page SEO techniques as well. Moreover, update the content regularly and add backlinks. You can also try local SEO to improve your visibility to a great extent. 


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